Monday, March 17, 2008


A sea of red rushes forward.
Overrunning it's ashen, lily white constraints.
Brought forth by a tremendous sorrow.
Sorrow for things lost and never had.
Sorrow for things done and never tried.

It is brought forth by grievous anger.
Anger made bitter by years of neglect.
Anger compounded by madness.
Anger that has been fostered into hate.

Hatred for the one who fostered it.
Hatred running deeper each day,
Leaving a trail of ignominy and confusion in it's wake.

A sea of red rushes forward.
Overrunning it's ashen, lily white constraints.
Brought forth by the sword of Damocles,
which has dangled achingly close for far too long.
Bring close your blade and end this despair.
And with it, this sorrow ends.
This anger... ends.
This hatred... ends.

This life...

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