Sunday, June 22, 2008

Another minion is on the way!

Big week here in Adam-land. My twin sister, Amanda, is due to "give birth" this week by Thursday at the latest. I say "give birth" because she's probably going to be induced. This kid just does not want to leave the friendly confines of her womb.

I can't really blame him. Stay as long as you want, fella.

This makes six legitimate nieces and nephews under my control. I am psyched. The oldest ones are nearing the time where I will begin their training. Training for what? World domination. Duh.

I just hope young Gabriel is ready. Yes, Gabriel. For my part, I did my best to dissuade them from naming him that. It was originally going to be Charles, but they didn't like the looks that people gave them when they told them. I tried to get them to name him Adam. When that didn't work, I gave them the name I was going to use for my first born son. Seeing as how I am nearing 30 and have no actual prospects of ever having a baby of my own, I decided to give it to them. "Please," I said. "Name your son Archibald. It's yours."

Can you believe they laughed in my face. Archibald is too fruity, they said.

Good luck, Gabriel.

Yeah, I'd react that way if my parents named me that, too. Sorry pal.


Sra said...

I think they should name him Winslow. No one ever calls anyone that anymore.

Twinsmom1105 said...

um,,, you are forgetting Victoria..... so 7 nieces and nephews buddy!!

Loralee Choate said...

You need to post more often, dammit.

You're not in this alone said...

I'm just passing to say hello.
Hope you're ok Adam.

I love Gabriel's name. A little Sylar.
Angel Gabriel.
